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金剛山도 息後景 - 풀잎처럼 눕자

눈으로 즐겨요/그림감상

[스크랩] Eileen Goodman의 수채화

서까래 2010. 2. 12. 22:55


Eileen Goodman의 수채화


 Nasturtiums, Roses & Vines at Dusk,

 watercolor, 46.5 x 34.5 inches


 Apples and Oranges, watercolor, 29.5 x 36.5 inches


 Apricot Roses, watercolor, 34 x 43 inches


 Blue and White Plant Pots, watercolor


 Tumbling Clementines, watercolor, 40 x 60 inches


 Deep Pink Poppy - Study, watercolor, 11 x 14 inches


 Double Bouquet, watercolor, 30 x 20 inches


 Eclair Still Life, watercolor, 27 x 34 inches


Peaches on an Indian Dress , watercolor, 22 x 30 inches


Peonies and Poppies, watercolor, 40 x 60 inches


 Strawberry Shortcake, watercolor, 25.75 x 41.5 inches


Waterlilies 6, watercolor, 60 x 40 inches 





 Fading Peonies on a Shelf with Roses, watercolor, 29.25 x 25 inches


 Fading Roses, watercolor, 29 x 41 inches 


 Fallen Roses, watercolor, 49 x 40 inches


 Flowers on Chinese Silk, watercolor, 29 x 41 1/2 inches


 Fruit and Leaf Cluster, watercolor, 50 x 40 inches


 Garden Roses, watercolor, 40 x 60 inches


 Guava Soda, watercolor, 36.25 x 29.5 inches


 Hydrangeas with Blue Glasses, watercolor, 34.5 x 46.5 inches


 Hydrangeas in Pots, watercolor, 29 x 41 inches



 Mexican Blouse with Kumquats, watercolor, 29 1/2 x 41 1/2 inches


 Lilies, watercolor, 27 x 32 inches


 Mango Still Life, watercolor, 41 x 29 inches


 Mixed Hydrangeas, watercolor, 29.25 x 41.5 inches


 Mixed Peonies , watercolor, 28 x 40 inches


 Orchid Cactus, watercolor, 40 x 60 inches 


 Nasturtiums and Pears, watercolor, 41 x 29 inches


 Pineapple and Lemon Meringue, watercolor, 29.75x 34.75 inches


 Pink Foxgloves, watercolor, 17.25 x 28.5 inches


 Pink Frosting, watercolor, 29.5 x 41.5 inches


 Roses and Rose Hips, watercolor, 9 x 7.5 inches


 Summer Plums, watercolor, 29 x 41 inches


 Ten Green Apples, watercolor, 29 x 41 inches

 Wrapped Bouquets, watercolor, 40 x 60 inches


 Yellows and Greens, watercolor, 45 x 65 inches

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